James Smith
Owner and Operator of KnightSmith Games LLC, Game Master of "Legend of the Ramblehouse Saints," "Tales from the Deadlands," Cast Member of "Quest of the Stone and Stars."
James began playing TTRPGs all the way back in 1985 and has a love & hate (mostly love!) with it ever since. He can often be found behind the screen of his desktop computer devising more diabolical ways to ruin the lives of the other cast members' characters! When he does get to play, he is a devious and crafty player. Because of this, he is typically not allowed to play rogues (something to do with stealing a Wizard)!
When he is not busy with game and show stuff, he enjoys spending time with his amazing wife, 4 kids (ages 20, 18, 3, and 1 respectively), hiking, camping on the rare occasion, and planning the next prank he intends to pull on his unsuspecting co-workers at his day job!

Mike Lawson
Game Master of Quest of the Stone and Stars/Cast Member for "Legend of the Ramblehouse Saints" and "Tales from the Deadlands."
"Nothing to see here... move along" Officer Barbrady

Cheryl Smith
Cast Member of "Tales from the Deadlands"
Cheryl has been playing TTRPGs with James since 2008, when the two unlikely lovers met! She has the grit that only a Middle School Math Teacher/(Step-)Mother of 4 can acquire! While she does an amazing job of playing the personalities of her characters, she still claims that even after 14 years of playing, she is NOT a gamer!

Nick Wuebben
Cast Member of "Legend of the Ramblehouse Saints" and "Tales from the Deadlands"
Nick has been playing TTRPGs since the early 00s, with Star Wars Saga Edition and Deadlands classic as his personal favorites. He has run a few successful campaigns in the past, and looking forward to eventually (maybe), run another Star Wars campaign (possibly converted into Savage Worlds). He and his partner, Danielle, have been together for over a decade and are currently training their son, Gavin, to be a future TTRPG player (if he so chooses to be). As a player, Nick excels at creating "useless characters" that James' partner, Cheryl, loves and adores to no end.

Luke Notman
Cast Member of "Tales from the Deadlands"
My name is Luke Notman and I’ve been playing TTRPG’s since 2010. I used to play in a game store turned club and over the course of the last decade, i’ve played a total of 35 different game systems. My first experience with tabletop was RIFTS, and the most experience I have is in Pathfinder 1e. I used to run and host a tabletop stream [NAME REDACTED] and found a flair for descriptive immersion.
I’m a Radio Broadcaster by education and profession where i work as an afternoon announcer and a music director. I also have a certificate in the foundations of design, so my toolbox for creative media is vast! I dabble with digital art and look forward to one day writing a novel series and producing the audiobooks myself.
“When you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.“ — Theodore Roosevelt

Pam Walters
Cast Member of "Tales from the Deadlands"

Dr. Danielle "Dani" McPherson
Cast Member of "Quest of the Stone and Stars"
Danielle grew up with a fair bit of scifi, but was introduced to gaming with Magic: The Gathering when she met her stepmom. Despite an interest in roleplaying, it wouldn’t work out until she joined a Dungeons and Dragons 4th ed campaign in the mid 2000s (and she says keep your judgment about the system to yourself). Many of her hobbies include dressing and/or acting like another person - a theater kid in high school, a dancer, a cosplayer and later a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. This is where she met Nick, on a sewing day, and the rest is history. She met James and Cheryl through Nick and was introduced to several other roleplaying systems, and as long as she can roll dice and go on epic adventures in the world of roleplay she’s a happy camper. She is a new mom with her partner Nick and while she will support anything her son, Gavin, wishes to explore she not-so-secretly hopes he will follow in his parents’ nerdy ways. She is also a veterinarian by trade, graduating in 2014 from Purdue University of Veterinary Medicine.

Dustin Stephens
Cast Member of "Quest of the Stone and Stars" and "Tales of the Ramblehouse Saints"

Hello everybody! My name is Dustin. I have been playing TTRPG’s for all of about 5 years now. I still consider myself rather new but I have enjoyed every minute of this delve into fantasy. I have a loving wife who has tolerated my cynical sense of humor and poor puns for almost 12 years now. I come from a background of public safety and healthcare. Recently, I have completely flipped my life upside down with an occupational change but the one thing that has kept me centered, and sane, has been Knight Smith Games. I enjoy the plethora of content that we are able to produce for people to enjoy and hope that I can at least contribute in some o. Stay tuned for some poorly timed dark humor, puns that have certainly continued to beat a horse and moves only a rookie would make. Thanks for being a part of this crazy dream some nerd has included me in!
Kristin Stephens
Cast Member of "Tales of the Ramblehouse Saints"
Hi there, my name is Kristin. I have been watching RPGs for about 4 years now and have been actively playing in them for about 3 years. I have 2 beautiful fur babies and a handsome husband. In our free time we like to play games together and with friends, as well as spend time outside.